Case Study:


Background & Mission

In recent years, industrial growth requires more and more precision and accuracy in all processes and university and labs often need to enhance their equipment. Our customer Borghi &Saveri  designed a test bench to evaluate the thrust performances of micro turbojets with particular focus on getting high quality, reliable and repeatable measurement results thanks to the use of innovative solutions.



 – reliability and repeatability in measurements


 – measurements precision

Technology & Results

Air bearings technology reveals perfect when you want to get reliable, accurate, precise, and repeatable results. So, our engineers recommended a solution made up of an air bearing moving carriage; this is made up of our XABR- RBB Ø25  and XABR- RBB Ø40  porous air bushings moving on shaft on a carriage.

So, our customer could take advantage of all benefits granted by air bearing technology, such as absence of mechanical contact between parts, so absence of friction and wear.

Moreover, to ensure calibration of the measurement system, the thrust bench adopts a leverage system pivoted on a customized porous air bushing. This allows the system to be calibrated using certified weights and ensuring maximum measurement accuracy. This can be also translated in getting very precise measurements without any external influences.

Here below some pictures of Mager air bushings applied to the bench.

The application of air bearing to a test bench like this is the perfect example of how air bearings technology can perfectly fit when no-friction and high accuracy and repeatability is needed.

For more information about our XABR series or if you want to ask for our R&D support, please contact us

To read the full article about the test bench please visit our customer website, here.

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